The types of anabolic steroids and peptide hormones

What are the types of anabolic steroids and peptide hormones?
Anabolic agents, also known as anabolic steroids, are synthetic anabolic drugs that promote protein synthesis and reduce amino acid breakdown. They can promote muscle growth, increase movement strength, and enhance male sexual characteristics. These drugs are commonly used in medical practice for the treatment of chronic wasting diseases, major surgery, tumor chemotherapy, severe infections, and other recovery treatments after serious damage to the body.
The types of anabolic agents include: androstenediol, testosterone (dehydroepiandrosterone), androstenedione (nandrolone), capto testosterone, clostebol (clostebol), danazol, prasterone, drostanolone (drostanolone), ethinylestradiol, flutamide, formestane (formestane), methandienone, metandienone, metenolone, metenolone enanthate, methyltestosterone, tibolone, nandrolone, norandrosterone, nandrolone acetate, norandrosterone enanthate, nortestosterone (nortestosterone), oxandrolone (oxandrolone), oxandrolone enanthate, oxymetholone, quetiapine, stanozolol, stanozolol, testosterone, tibolone, trenbolone (trenbolone), Zeleno, Cipatero, etc.
However, the use (abuse) of such drugs for non-medical purposes can lead to adverse physiological and psychological consequences. Physiologically, the abuse of anabolic steroids can cause disorders of the endocrine system, liver function damage, cardiovascular system diseases, and even malignant tumors and immune dysfunction. Psychologically, the abuse of such drugs can cause depression, impulsivity, aggressive behavior, etc. In addition, the abuse of such drugs can lead to strong psychological dependence.
The role of peptide hormones is to promote growth and development of the human body by stimulating the growth of adrenal cortex and erythropoiesis. Peptide hormones include corticotropin, erythropoietin (EPO), gonadotropin, growth hormone, insulin, and so on.
Large intake of peptide hormones will reduce their own endocrine levels, damage health, and may also cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. Abuse of peptide hormones can also lead to strong psychological dependence.

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