As a fitness novice, you must need to have a minimum understanding of steroids before using them

As a fitness novice, you must need to have a minimum understanding of steroids before using them

If you are a fitness novice, and want to use steroids to assist in fitness, then you have to have some basic understanding of common steroid products, the following is a list of some common steroids, there are also related to share online articles as a reference, but the premise is that we also need to their own degree of training, and their own physical quality of basic considerations.
  1. Muscle building  
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) The most classic oral steroid in the use of the process of weight gain significantly, 4-6 weeks can increase the weight of 5-8 kg, with a strong anabolic effect, similar to the TP testosterone hypo-masculinization, is the best choice for the first C.  Side effects: water storage, liver pressure Solution: liver protection tablets & silymarin deep sea fish oil with methotrexate.    
Turinabol: Mild nature, increases muscle separation, easy for newbies to handle.  Optimized version of vigorous supplementation, no water storage or estrogenization, one of the safest steroids for minimizing liver pressure.
Oral Metenolone.  Little effect on self secretion, perfect for beginners, increase protein synthesis, reduce muscle metabolic breakdown, maintain training status during fat loss and bridging period.  Anabolic steroid with the highest safety profile and no liver stress.  
Oxymetholone: Stable weight gain, muscle strength increase, visible to the naked eye in the short term.  Side effects: easy headaches, liver pressure hypertension Solution: not recommended.  
Methyltestosterone: Increases speed of muscle strength, increases red blood cell count, acts as a starter for long chain drugs.  Side effects: solution to liver pressure: liver protection tablets & silymarin deep sea fish oil.  
2. Pre-race collection of dryness.
Stanozolol  No transfer of females, no water storage, improve muscle hardness, improve muscle separation, significant dehydration effect, improve muscle dryness and hardness, improve power performance (speed, absolute power), reduce fat, prepare for competition. Side effects: solution to liver pressure: liver protection tablets & silymarin deep sea fish oil.
Oxandrolone  Enhances neural tissue control, improves training quality, increases muscle strength, hardness, and texture, and promotes post-training recovery. Side effects:Trace liver pressure Solution:Silymarin Deep Sea Fish Oil One of the safest steroids for men and women.
Fluoxymesterone Improve strength performance, improve pumps, steel muscles. Increase metabolism, very strong promotion of fat metabolism, suitable for fat loss. No estrogenization, no water storage.
Mesterolone Improves muscle hardness, anti-feminization hundred, promotes male fertility, increases libido, improves sperm quality. Side effects: no safest steroid.
3. Fat Reduction
Clenbuterol Not a steroid, produces heat to promote fat decomposition while inhibiting insulin secretion and suppressing lipogenesis.
Side effects: handshakes and cramps. Solution: replenish a lot of water, supplement taurine, eat potassium-rich fruits.
T3  Increasing thyroid hormones boosts metabolism. To ensure normal thyroid production, it is best to increase or decrease the dose on a weekly basis.

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