Pros and Cons of the Dianabol Cycle

If there is any steroid that is the most popular, then it has to be: methandrostenolone aka Dianabol, sound familiar? Pretty much with steroids, this stuff is synonymous with steroids. There are a lot of newbies whose first exposure to anabolism starts with d-bol. When you decide to start supplementing heavily, let’s put aside the amazing muscle mass, the side effects are definitely something you can’t ignore.

The structure of d-bol is very similar to that of Equisoise, except that it has been 17aa-ized and can be taken orally, and while the two anabolic drugs have a lot in common, the way they are used is very different. The main difference is that d-bol has a very short half-life: only 3-5 hours.

Whether you’re a novice or a veteran, the main use of d-bol is to gain weight (of course, you can also use d-bol during the fat loss period to ensure that you lose as little meat as possible, but the use of this piece, today for the time being, I will not talk about it), the use of d-bol to gain weight is mainly because of the high efficiency of the anabolic ability of d-bol. And it works fast, it works surprisingly fast, and no matter how many times you use it, the anabolic effects of d-bol will never let you down.

Just like the side effects, to summarize the advantages of d-bol:

1, increase protein synthesis; 2, increase glycogenolysis, which is another crucial part of muscle building, in order to increase the explosive force will accelerate the burning of muscle glycogen; 3, enhance the body metabolism, allowing more calories to be burned, which helps to reduce the accumulation of fat; 4, accelerate the recovery, the increase in red blood cells makes the recovery of the muscle fibers faster; 5, a short half-life, which allows for a rapid alleviation of the side effects after stopping the medication; 6, promote the Nitrogen balance of the body; 7, cost-effective, relatively speaking, d-bol (Dali supplement) is currently one of the cheapest anabolic drugs.

The side effects of d-bol are obvious. According to individual susceptibility, side effects include:

1, very high aromatization (that is, the rate of transvestism is quite high); 2, accelerated secretion of prolactin (anti-prolactin is not timely there may be male female lactation); 3, erectile dysfunction (d-bol will suppress the endogenous testosterone, in the absence of exogenous testosterone there is the possibility of inactivity, at the same time anti-estrogenic unfavorable also has the possibility of affecting the libido); 4, will elevate the blood pressure; 5, for the gene of alopecia areata Users are likely to accelerate the process; 6, can elevate LDL and lower HDL; 7, has hepatotoxicity; 8, increases the probability of acne flare-ups; 9, water storage is severe; 10, mild androgenicity.

The side effects still seem pretty obvious, as with all steroids. You have to understand what you are about to face and how to deal with it before you think about using it. Often d-bol is used in conjunction with an anti-female, anastrozole or letrozole are good choices, and liver toxicity is an area that needs extra attention, milk thistle and other liver supplements we really do have may not be enough, it’s best to add glutathione to detoxify the liver if your liver is healthy enough to do so. Lastly, not all of the overall weight gained with d-bol is muscle, there will be about 30% water which will be lost during the PCT phase.

What are the contraindications to the use of d-bol?

1, already have high blood pressure is absolutely prohibited; 2, cholesterol imbalance or high triglycerides is not recommended; 3, hair loss of the crowd have to think carefully, because d-bol accelerated after the process of hair loss is irreversible; 4, alcoholics in the use of the crowd after the use of alcohol, if you can not do it is not recommended to use; 5, women can not be used.

Although d-bol has a lot of side effects, but it is still one of the most popular of all anabolic drugs, the dosage of each person is also different from person to person, no matter what your goal is, no matter what kind of training program you follow, for most people, the daily dose of 25mg~35mg is enough to get a very good gain, and higher doses for the user the harm will be far greater than the gain. Typically, the safe cycle is 4 weeks, and the longest continuous use cycle should not exceed 8 weeks.

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