2. Athletes who resume training after a long period of suspension
In a research case of natural bodybuilders, researchers followed a 21-year-old male bodybuilder who was preparing for a bodybuilding competition. He reduced his body fat by half in 14 weeks, and his body fat percentage dropped from 14% to 7.2%. However, almost half of his weight came from lean body weight.
Although he did everything within his power to help himself retain muscle, such as eating lots of protein and training regularly, he lost more muscle than he gained.
For any bodybuilder in his situation, the main purpose of strength training during a fat loss period is to retain muscle rather than to gain muscle. As our body structure changes during the fat loss phase, we need to gradually adjust our expectations.
Without the use of any exogenous hormones, it is easier for us to go from “overweight” to “skinny” than from “skinny” to “muscular”.
However, as we train for longer years, no matter how many supplements we take in the future, what complex carbohydrate cycling programs we use, or how many magical training methods are promoted, once we pass the primary stage, muscle growth will slow down and even stop. This is one of the facts that natural bodybuilders must recognize.
Chris Elkins: “I would love to know what my testosterone level is at this time, I know it’s low but I don’t know how low it is… My total testosterone is 43, normal levels are 250-1100, average is about 600, I have never seen a 43 year old in my life. Unfortunately, when body fat reaches the necessary level for competition, your body will shut down or reduce testosterone production because reproductive function is no longer needed during the period equivalent to controlled starvation, libido will no longer exist, mental depression and mood swings become common. As I became thinner and thinner, I could feel this transformation happening in my body. As a natural bodybuilder, we are not allowed to supplement or inject any exogenous hormones, so this happens to most natural bodybuilders. This will push their body to the limit, which is why I warn people not to diet if they are not competing. What is worse than dieting is that some people try to maintain such a low-fat state for a long time… The good news is that I have gained 10 pounds and feel much better. My mood and energy are ten times better. My libido is back. Once I recover, I plan to take hormone tests again in a few months. In the past, I always rebounded quickly, so hopefully this time will be the same…”
Natural bodybuilders who want to achieve a very smooth fat loss usually have a certain amount of muscle loss, because as body fat decreases, the level of testosterone, the most powerful anabolic hormone in the body, will become lower and lower, which fundamentally does not allow individuals to build muscle during fat loss.
But corresponding to this is another interesting phenomenon, that is, these “muscles that once existed” will recover quickly. The term to explain this phenomenon is muscle memory.