A Brief Introduction to HGH Use

A Brief Introduction to HGH Use

This is a brief introduction to the use of growth hormone (HGH), what problems are encountered during its use and how they can be prevented, how it is used by professional bodybuilders, and finally, why there are various problems.
 First of all, what are the problems that can occur with the use of growth hormone:
 1, Hypoglycemia – This is due to the fact that HGH affects insulin levels, leading to the development of reduced insulin levels or insulin resistance.
 2, Aromeglia – (abnormal bone growth), like tumor cells, HGH itself does not cause abnormal bone growth, but if you are genetically predisposed to this in your own genes, high doses of HGH can accelerate the abnormal growth of the bones, also known as acromegaly.
 3, High doses of HGH can potentially cause intestinal sensitivities and dysbiosis, also known as diarrhea.
 4, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, also known as wrist pain, again this area is a problem with high doses.
 5, joint pain – especially if the joints have ever been injured will hurt more.
 6, Tumors are the biggest concern with HGH, bar none, and if you already have a tumor in your body, or have ever had one it is not recommended because HGH will accelerate the growth of any tumor.
So what are some of the benefits you can get from HGH?
 1, Splitting of muscle fibers – that is, you’ll get more muscle fibers outside of your genetics, rather than the muscle hypertrophy caused by traditional steroids.
 2, Better mood, which is an added buff to HGH.
 3,Improve skin condition, reduce wrinkles.
 4,Lowering fat, the most powerful part of HGH is lowering fat, because under the large dose of HGH plus, your whole body will shift to the state of fat for energy.
 5, Joint Ligament Strengthening – This is also the cause of joint pain, the same cells at the joints will increase and divide.
The main use of growth hormone (HGH) is subcutaneous injection, intramuscular injection is not recommended because muscle metabolism is too fast, plus the half-life of HGH itself is very short, intramuscular injection, it will be excreted from the body before it can be utilized. The most common injection site is the abdomen, as the injection site is the most obvious area where HGH burns fat. In addition, growth hormone (HGH) must be kept refrigerated; freezing destroys the molecular structure. Some HGH packages will say: use within 18 to 24 hours after reconstitution.
This type of HGH is generally available specifically for use by AIDS patients and not bodybuilders. Sterile or bacteriostatic water can be used to reconstitute it, and most of the manufacturers generally provide sterile water. There is one detail to keep in mind when reconstituting HGH: the molecular structure of HGH is inherently fragile, so be sure to let the water slide down the side of the bottle when mixing it with sterile or bacteriostatic water so as not to break the HGH molecules. After reconstitution, the bottle also needs to be carefully rotated to allow the HGH to fully recover, as violent shaking may also break the HGH molecules.
Dosage for Professional Athletes (this dosage is definitely not recommended for non-professional athletes) For the average bodybuilding user 4iu~6iu/day is sufficient. It is recommended to take 5 days on and 2 days off, as it is necessary to give the pituitary gland time to rest. Again, this is the way to get the most bang for your buck because the 2 days off will allow our own pituitary gland to recover and not be suppressed. Considering our own HGH production is 0.5iu to 1.5iu per day, the exogenous injection dose is still huge. So why do we need to go the whole hog if we’re getting 2iu or less per day? Because, the body’s own defense system will inactivate large amounts of exogenous growth hormone.
At the same time, what most drug companies won’t tell you is that growth hormone basically won’t increase your body weight, which means that growth hormone alone is basically ineffective for muscle building, and the general way to use it for muscle building is to use HGH plus the steroid Cycle together to increase muscle weight. Another thing that drug companies won’t tell you is that one or two boxes of HGH basically won’t make any difference to you, and it takes a minimum of 3 or more boxes of continuous use to make a difference to your physique. However, one thing is for sure, the results gained with HGH can be retained permanently, as the size of the muscles may shrink, but the number of muscle fibers that have been gained will not be reduced. The benefits for the body are far greater at low to medium doses over a long period of time than at high doses over a short period of time. 4iu to 6iu is basically a standard dose, while the side effects mentioned above generally require the user to reach a daily dose of 12iu per day or even higher, which is the dose of a professional bodybuilder.
hgh pen
HGH pen
How to make HGH+Cycle+Insulin+Thyroxine cycle.HGH is best used together with insulin, steroids and then T3, because HGH will reduce the user’s insulin sensitivity, and as I have said earlier the increase in muscle weight will be very little if HGH is used alone, so the combination of steroids and HGH can increase muscle weight better, especially for older bodybuilders. athletes will be especially noticeable. Start with 3iu~5iu/day then increase by 1iu per day until you get used to it. The final dose should be determined as 6iu~8iu in the morning and then 6iu~8iu in the late afternoon, HGH split is always the best choice because these two time breaks are when our own HGH production is at its lowest. Meanwhile, if you are more insulin repulsed, you can also choose Metformin to improve the absorption of glucose and amino acids by muscle tissue, and Metformin is safer compared to insulin. The half-life of growth hormone (HGH) is only 2 hours, so it’s safer to spread out the injections during the day, and avoid bedtime injections if possible, because sleep secretes a lot of HGH, and exogenous HGH also suppresses your own HGH production.
Let’s talk more about how to work with steroids, you should start using steroids at the latest 2 weeks before HGH use, which means that steroid Cycle needs to be started before HGH, because in Cycle we mostly use long ester chain drugs, and the purpose of 2 weeks before is so that the androgen index in the body is already stretched when you start using HGH, and in addition, thyroxine, which is commonly known as T3 should also be supplemented at a low dose during the use of HGH, but T3 has to be used on and off, The specific use can consult professionals, in addition to the fact that this type of use will also allow the user to smooth out wrinkles, burn stubborn fat, and then just be in a good mood.

human growth hormone for sale,HGH Fragment 176-191


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