Choose long-acting testosterone or short-acting testosterone, that is the question

Testosterone is a versatile anabolic steroid on the market and is available in various ester forms, both short-acting and long-acting. This or that ether has its own range. Short-acting esters are usually used for preparation for competitions or for slight weight gain, while long-acting esters are needed in the off-season to significantly increase weight and strength indicators.

Since testosterone preparations do not differ in structure and differ only in the composition of the solvent, they all have the same effect: Increased protein and glycogen synthesis. Entering the bloodstream, testosterone causes the muscles to “absorb” nutrients, which leads to muscle hypertrophy, increasing both muscle mass and strength. In turn, the expansion of glycogen depots increases load tolerance, allowing athletes to train more intensively and with greater volume. The drug reduces the activity of lipase in fat cells, which leads to a slight fat burn even in the absence of a diet. According to studies, the most noteworthy effect is the reduction of abdominal fat. Reduced likelihood of injury, which can be explained by the increase in estradiol, which causes water retention in the muscles and increases the amount of joint fluid. The effects of increased endurance and a more pronounced “indulgent character” effect are observed by enhancing the synthesis of red blood cells. The first difference between long-acting and short-acting testosterone is that the process of reaching the peak of action occurs in different ways. After the first injection, testosterone propionate reaches the highest concentration immediately, and long-acting testosterone can only achieve sufficient power after two weeks of regular injections.

In addition, the release rate of the drugs is different. Due to the difference in the ester group, long-acting testosterone is gradually released in the blood, and a certain effect can continue even after stopping injections for more than a week. Short-acting testosterone does not have this feature. The effect of the substance stops within a few days after the last injection. If we talk about the method of application, it should be noted that long-acting testosterone does not require frequent injections. The drug can be administered once a week, and in some cases, for example, for HRT (hormone replacement therapy) – once every two weeks. Testosterone propionate, due to its short duration of action, requires frequent injections, about every other day. When choosing one of the two drugs, first you need to consider how your body perceives them. If you look at the statistical differences in the body’s response to these drugs, you will see the following: Since the absorbent is characterized by a gradual peak concentration, the effect of the drug remains rather mild and has no noticeable onset. Athletes who apply long-acting testosterone usually do not experience any “accelerated” state, but gradually and imperceptibly enter a highly anabolic state.

That is why long-acting testosterone is a good choice for beginners. Testosterone propionate reaches its peak immediately and exerts its maximum effect after the first injection. The subjective feeling of the effect is more obvious in this case: a few hours after the injection, there is a feeling of vitality, increased appetite, and usually, this drug is recommended to those who already have experience with anabolic steroids and are ready for a hormone surge. The obvious advantage of testosterone propionate over long-acting testosterone is the convenience of combining with other steroids. Since the drug initially provides a stable anabolic atmosphere, another pharmacology can be connected to it immediately, without waiting for the peak to be reached, as is recommended for injections of long-acting testosterone. A more stable testosterone concentration in the blood can be achieved by using drugs simultaneously. In this context, the use of other drugs is also allowed, such as Stanozolol, Turinabol, etc.

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