Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, GTx-024 and Enobosarm, is a synthetic drug created by GTx INC (founded in Memphis) as an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) for preventing muscle loss. It has been subjected to multiple clinical trials and found to be very effective in preventing or slowing malnutrition or muscle atrophy caused by cancer, and it was also because of the support of clinical trial data that Ostarine was introduced to the bodybuilding field. Since then, there has been a large amount of literature on the use and aspects of Ostarine.
But anyone who uses it calls it the safest SARM. It is a testosterone-like effect without interfering too much with the body’s natural testosterone production. It can selectively enhance muscle and bone tissue. Its function is like a cycle of steroid Test-E, and it may even be comparable to Test-E plus Dianabol (Dbol), but without their associated side effects, and it will not produce masculinization properties for non-muscle tissues, and there is no liver toxicity.
How to use Ostarine (MK-2866)?
There are many different opinions on the use of Ostarine. Bodybuilders use it as a combination of existing black magic in the process of muscle building, while some people use it alone for those who are re-composing. It is naturally endowed with the unique ability to burn fat, increase muscle strength, and increase net muscle at the same time. Some people believe that this feature is unlikely to be achieved at the same time unless steroids are used.
The recommended dosage is to try starting with 15~20mg per day, but most bodybuilders use 25~30mg per day and continue using it for 6~8 weeks. When using Ostarine, it is common to increase 7 pounds (3.2 kg) of net skeletal muscle mass. If the diet is controlled thoroughly enough, some people have reported that the increase in skeletal muscle has the opportunity to increase to double digits (about 4~5 kg) in a 12-week cycle. Its half-life is about 24 hours, so it only needs to be used once a day at a fixed time to maintain a constant concentration in the blood.
What results can be expected after using Ostarine (MK-2866)?
Help increase muscle growth during muscle growth:
If you plan to gain muscle during the off-season, Ostarine will be a good choice. It is a substance with muscle synthesis ability, and it can enhance your muscle strength and reduce fatigue. More importantly, it can promote protein synthesis and help increase net muscle mass. Its biggest difference from steroids is that it does not produce edema like steroids, and its side effects on the body are almost unnoticeable. You can expect to get good and steady progress in a cycle of 6 to 8 weeks. It is also recommended to stack it with LGD-4033. Finally, it is strongly recommended not to use it for more than 8 weeks, and you need to give your body time to rest after use to restore the sensitivity of male receptors.
More importantly, if you can maintain the same diet and heavy training intensity after stopping use, the muscle growth obtained by using Ostarine can be retained.
(Note: Using steroids or SARMS can help you reach the genetic limit of muscle growth faster. If you continue to train actively and use it correctly, including an effective PCT plan, you should be able to maintain your genetic limit indefinitely.)
Ostarine helps with fat loss:
People who use Ostarine to lose fat can experience that, especially when the calorie intake is a serious deficit, using it together can not only enhance the effect of fat loss, but also because the metabolic rate slows down under the calorie deficit, and the concentration of IGF and testosterone decreases. In this state, the body tends to enter a catabolic state. When you are in a deficit state, Ostarine can prevent the muscles you have worked hard to train from being broken down and metabolized into the energy needed by the body. This means that during the fat loss period, you don’t have to worry about losing too much muscle. At least several clinical studies have proved this.
If Ostarine is used with GW-501516, S-4 and YK-11, it can further enhance the effect of fat loss. (Note: S-4 is another SARM, which will be introduced in another topic. It has amazing effects during the fat loss period.)
Body Recomposition:
For those who want to increase muscle and reduce fat at the same time, and the goal is to maintain the current body shape, using Ostarine can allow you to lose body fat and increase some muscle mass at the same time. Maybe the increase in muscle mass will not be too significant (about 3~5 pounds), but at the same time, you can lose body fat.
Is it safe to use Ostarine (MK-2866)?
Ostarine is similar to other SARMs. It is a non-hormonal synthetic drug, which means that it will not be metabolized into androgens, which also means that it will not aromatize into estrogens, which means that there will be no problem of gynecomastia. The reason why it is quite popular is that its safety has been confirmed by many clinical medical studies. It can help achieve current fitness goals without having to deal with all the side effects associated with conventional steroids, and many users have shared the effects of its use without reporting any adverse reactions.
However, it is recommended to do a blood test after use, because some studies have shown that after using Ostarine, the estrogen in the blood increases slightly. For most people, this increase is acceptable, but if you are worried or highly sensitive to estrogen, it is recommended to use a mild or minimum dose of aromatization inhibitor such as Arimidex to control it after stopping Ostarine.
In addition, Ostarine, especially when used in high doses, will slightly inhibit the secretion of autologous testosterone (this is probably the only side effect of Ostarine), so it is strongly recommended to take PCT post-repair measures after a longer cycle.