Principles for reducing the harm of anabolic steroids

Watch out for hepatotoxic oral steroids

Except for Andriol, Primobolan, and Proviron. The other oral steroids we discussed are C-17aa compounds and should be used at safe doses as much as possible. These drugs can appear in prescriptions for many medical purposes, but high doses used by athletes can have serious negative effects on some health indicators, most notably increasing the ratio of bad cholesterol to good cholesterol, increasing platelet deposition in blood vessels, and may increase the risk of heart disease over time at doses above the standard. C-17aa steroids are also highly hepatotoxic and have even been associated with liver cancer. If you can use injections, the demand for muscle and athletic performance is also relatively robust. Another thing to note is that it is best not to use injectable versions of oral steroids, such as stanozolol and methandrostenolone, because although they enter the body through different pathways, the pressure on the liver and cardiovascular system is similar. So please take oral steroids at safe standard doses, do not overdose, and when using oral steroids, pay attention to liver protection tablets (silymarin, milk thistle, Milk thistle) and fish oil (note that it is fish oil, not cod liver oil).

Consider testosterone first

When steroids stimulate the increase of muscle cross-sectional area and enhance athletic performance, the side effects of testosterone are almost the lowest. This type of drug has the same structure and effect as the hormones secreted by our body. Testosterone is also one of the most effective muscle-building drugs. It can promote sexual desire, keep people positive, and provide necessary estrogen, so that cholesterol levels will not develop in a bad direction.

Only use the “safest” drugs

If a single injection of testosterone does not work, then you should be cautious about adding other drugs. Among the injection drugs, the following varieties with the least cardiovascular pressure are recommended: Deca Durobolin, Durobolin, Boldenone, and Primobolan. Oral medications recommended include Andriol, Primobolan, and Proviron. They are not C-17aa steroids and will not damage the liver and cardiovascular system like other commonly used oral medications such as Anadrol, Anavar, Dianabol, and Stanozolol.

Use health-promoting supplements

Using natural supplements can help reduce the health risks brought by steroids. The first is to help regulate cholesterol. Fish oil is the basis, and it can be combined with many other medically studied cholesterol-regulating substances, including green tea, garlic powder, resveratrol, phytosterols, niacin, and policosinol. Molecular Nutrition’s mixed product Lipid Stabil includes the above ingredients. Cholesterol-regulating supplements should be used throughout the C period. Second, people who use oral steroids need to protect their livers. We recommend Molecular Nutrition’s Liver Stabil, Himalaya Drug Company’s Liv-52, and Aventis’ Essentiale Forte. These products should be used throughout the C period that contains hepatotoxic drugs.


Usually one C lasts for six to twelve weeks, followed by a similar or longer period of steroid withdrawal. There are many reasons for this. First, the use of exogenous androgens reduces testosterone production, and cycling can reduce fertility and hormone problems caused by long-term steroid use. Second, cycling can help normalize health indicators such as cholesterol levels, hematocrit, and blood pressure. Long-term uninterrupted C will cause more serious negative changes in these indicators.

Use reasonable doses

The more medication you take, the more muscle growth you will get. For athletes whose goals are not particularly extreme, the weekly injection dose should be limited to 1,000 mg. For example, 500 mg of testosterone cypionate per week is at least four to five times the amount of a healthy male’s own secretion. This dose combined with proper training and diet is enough to bring good progress. In the 1970s and 1980s, 500-900 mg per week was the “standard” for bodybuilders using testosterone, nandrolone, boldenolone, and primobolan. Not many people really need to take 1,200 mg or even more per week and take additional oral medication. High doses may work faster and more strongly, but the side effects are greater.

Avoid aromatase inhibitors (AI)

Aromatase inhibitors fight the side effects of estrogen by preventing the body from making estrogen. The problem with this is that the human body lacks important hormones that protect cardiovascular health. Estrogen helps make good cholesterol, so using AIs may increase the cardiovascular stress of C. If estrogenation occurs, you cannot stop the medication that causes the problem. Tamoxifen, a SERM, is an option. This drug works in the liver and can resist estrogen without causing cholesterol problems.

Regular blood tests

Comprehensive blood tests include hormones, cholesterol, blood cell concentration, enzymes, etc., which are used to evaluate steroid side effects. For example, changes in cholesterol indicators can allow users to quantify the impact of C on cardiovascular health and decide whether to do the same C again. Blood tests should be done at least three times before C, three to four weeks after C, and a few months after C. The purpose is: 1. Use it for before and after comparison. 2. Understand the health status during C. 3. Evaluate whether the natural homeostasis is restored after C.

Correct injection method

Steroids are injected into the muscle. The most common injection site is the outer quarter of the upper buttocks. You can also inject into the outer thigh and shoulder. It is not recommended to cover defects in the biceps, triceps and calves. It is difficult to find a place and is prone to problems. The volume of one injection should also be controlled within a comfortable range, generally not more than three milliliters. The injection site should be changed, and the same muscle should not be injected too frequently. Pay attention to hygiene. The needle and skin should be disinfected with alcohol. After the injection, the needle, medicine bottle, etc. should be properly disposed of.


If you must use drugs made by underground factories or even injections made by yourself with other tablets, disinfection and sterilization work must never be omitted.

Reasonable diet

Steroids can allow users to eat more and speed up metabolism. You can consume more calories every day without gaining fat. But everything has a limit. Athlete doses of steroids have a negative impact on cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health. Eating a lot of saturated fat, cholesterol and simple carbohydrates will make the situation worse, so you should reduce the intake of these things.

Always keep the benefits and risks in mind

When everything is going well, muscles are getting bigger and stronger, it is easy to ignore the potential risks of using steroids. Doses that can quickly increase muscle mass will definitely have side effects. Cholesterol levels will worsen, blood pressure will rise, and blood vessels will become thicker and thicker. Changes in hormone balance can also cause various problems. Short-term use of steroids is generally safe, but long-term use is not good. You should carefully choose to do Plan C, monitor your physical and mental health at all times, and try not to do too long a cycle.

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