Common Raw Steroid Powder Recipes

Common Raw Steroid Powder Recipes

(Notes: BB=benzyl benzoate; BA=benzyl alcohol; EO=ethyl oleate; Oil=grapeseed oil)
The following are the most common used recipes for your reference.
Test Enanthate 250mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75ml)
2ml BA (2%)
18ml BB (18%)
61.25ml Oil
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
30 gram Testosterone Enanthate powder (22.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
55.5ml Oil
Test Propionate 100mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
10 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (7.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
70.5ml Oil
Testosterone Propionate 150mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe:
15 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (11.25mL)
2mL BA (2%)
30mL BB (30%)
56.75mL Oil
Testosterone Propionate 200mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
20 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (15mL)
2mL BA (2%)
20mL BB (20%)
50.4mL EO
12.6mL Oil
Test Cypionate 200mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
20 gram Testosterone Cypionate powder (18.18ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
59.82ml Oil
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
25 gram(18.75ml) Testosterone Cypionate powder
3ml BA (3%)
15ml BB (15%)
33.25ml EO
30ml Oil
Sustanon 250mg/ml@ 100ml Recipe
71.25ml Oil
2.5ml BA (2.5%)
7.5ml BB (7.5%)
3g Testosterone Propionate
6g Testosterone Phenylprop
6g Testosterone Isocaproate
10g Testosterone Decanoate
Testosterone Sustanon 250mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe:
Testosterone Blend powder 25g (18.75ml)
2% BA 2ml
20% BB 20ml
59.25ml Oil
Testosterone Sustanon 300mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe:
Testosterone Blend powder 30g (22.5ml)
2% BA 2ml
20% BB 20ml
55.5ml Oil
Testosterone Sustanon 400mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
Testosterone Blend powder 40g (30ml)
2 ml 2% BA
20 ml 20% BB
48 ml Oil
NPP 100mg /mL @100ml Recipe
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate powder – 10 Grams(7.5ml)
2 mL 2%BA
20 mL 20%BB
70.5 ml Oil
Deca-Durabolin 300mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
Nandrolone Decanoate powder 30g(28.86ml)
2ml BA 2% 
 20ml BB 20%
49.14ml Oil
Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
Nandrolone Decanoate Powder 20g(15ml)
5ml 5% BA
15ml 15% BB
65ml Oil
Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
Nandrolone Decanoate Powder 25g(18.75ml)
3% BA 3ml
15% BB 15ml
33.25ml EO
30 ml Oil
Tren Acetate 100mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
10 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (7.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
70.5ml Oil
Trenbolone Acetate 200mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
20 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (15mL)
2mL BA (2%)
25mL BB (25%)
58mL EO
Trenbolone enantate 100mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
10 gram Trenbolone Ethanate powder (7.5mL)
2mL BA (2%)
10mL BB (10%)
80.5mL Oil
Trenbolone enantate 200mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
20 gram Trenbolone Ethanate powder (15mL)
2mL BA (2%)
15mL BB (15%)
68mL Oil
Trenbolone enantate 250mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
25 gram Trenbolone Ethanate powder (18.75mL)
2mL BA (2%)
15mL BB (15%)
64.25mL Oil
Masteron 100mg/ml @ 250ml Recipe:
25 gram masteron Propionate (20ml)
5ml BA (2%)
50ml BB (20%)
175ml Oil
Equipoise 200mg/ml @100ml Recipe:
Boldenone undecylenate 20gram(17ml)
2mL BA (2%)
18mL BB (20%)
63ml Oil
Equipoise 300mg/ml @100ml Recipe:
Boldenone undecylenate 30gram
2mL BA (2%)
20mL BB (20%)
Grape seed oil (q.s)
Primobolan Depot 100mg/ml @ 250ml Recipe:
25 grams(18.75ml) Methenolone enanthate
176.25 ml Oil
5ml BA 2%
50ml BB 20%
Testosterone Suspension 50mg/ml @ 500ml Recipe:
Testosterone Base Powder 25g(21ml)
5ml BA 1%
50ml BB 10%
15ml PS 80 3%
distilled water 409ml
Winstrol Oil Conversion 100mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe:
Stanozolol powder 10 grams(9.62ml)
2ml BA 2% 
18 ml BB 18%
20 ml Guaiacol
50.38 ml EO
Cut Stack 175mg/ml @ 40ml Recipe:
Test p 75mg/ml, tren a 50mg/ml, masteron 50mg/ml
3g test prop powder
2g tren a powder
2g masteron powder
15ml EO
10.6ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
8ml BB (20%)
Mass (Bulk) Stack 250mg/ml @ 40ml Recipe:
Test E 150mg/ml, Deca 100mg/ml
6g test E powder
4g deca powder
13ml EO
12.3ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
6ml BB (15%)
Tri-Tren 180mg/ml @100ml Recipe:
Trenbolone Acetate 6g
Trenbolone Enanthate 6g
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate 6g
2ml BA 2%
20ml BB 20% 
Grape seed oil (q.s)
Tri-Tren 200mg/ml @100ml Recipe:
Trenbolone Acetate 5g
Trenbolone Enanthate 5g
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate 10g
2ml BA 2%
20ml BB 20%
Grape seed oil (q.s)
Supertest 450mg/ml @500ml Recipe:
Test acetate 16g
Test deconoate 73.5g
Test propionate 36.5g
Test phenylpropionate 36.5g
Test cypionate 62.5g
2% BA 10ml
20% BB 100ml
Oil 220.5ml
Ripex 225mg/ml @100ml Recipe:
Testosterone Propionate 7.5g
Trenbolone Acetate 7.5g
Drostanolone Propionate 7.5g
3.6ml BA (3.6%)
Oil 79.525ml 
Anadrol 50mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of Oxymetholone you will need:
8.4 ml’s of PEG 300
10.5 ml’s 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Anavar 20mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of Oxandrolone powder you will need:
9.8 ml’s of PEG 300
39.2 ml’s of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Armidex 5mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of Anastrozole powder you will need:
19.9 ml’s PEG 300
179.1 ml’s of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Clomid 50mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of Clomiphene Citrate you will need:
8.4 ml’s of PEG 600
10.5 ml’s 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Dianabol 50mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of Methandrostenolone powder you will need:
19 ml’s of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
No PEG needed. Follow the no PEG recipe.
Femara 5mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of letrozole powder you will need:
19.9 ml’s PEG 300
179.1 ml’s of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Nolvadex 20mg/ml Recipe:
Highest concentration made – 20mg/ml
Per 1 gram of Tamoxifen Citrate you will need:
9.8 ml’s of PEG 600
39.2 ml’s of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Proviron 50mg/ml Recipe:
Per 1 gram of Mesterolone you will need:
8.4 ml’s of PEG 300
10.5 ml’s 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

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