Winstrol(Stanozol)CAS: 10418-03-8

Introduction of Winstrol

Functions and Properties of Winstrol(Stanozol):
Winstrol (Stanozol)is a steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), more accurately a structurally altered form of the drug.Two structural changes on DHT create Winstrol. The first was the replacement of the pyrazol group on the A ring with the 3-keto group 3-keto group, a change that classifies Winstrol as a heterocyclic steroid heterocyclic steroid.The second change Winstrol carries on it a methyl group used for the hormone that enters the body, a structural change that occurs in the seventeenth carbon chain, classifying the drug as a C17- aa steroid.
The result of the above two structural changes is that the anabolic index of Winstrol is as high as 320 and the androgenicity index is only 20, what is more, these indexes are also excellent in practical applications, Winstrol is an anabolic steroid with great benefits.
One of the benefits of Winstrol is that it reduces Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG) more powerfully than other steroids, which allows more of the steroid to be in a free state, increasing free testosterone levels. Studies have shown a 50% reduction in SHBG in just a few days of low-dose dosing.
Winstrol also enhances protein synthesis and nitrogen storage in muscle, increases red blood cell count, and inhibits glucocorticoids (adrenocorticotropic hormones) to some extent. Winstrol is mild and easy to control.
Winstrol is available both as an injection and orally, with little difference in effectiveness; users report that the oral medication has been SHBG is more effective, while the injection potency is swifter, but this disparity is not significant.
Both injectable and oral Winstrol are C17-aa steroids, and most oral steroids are in this category, injectables are mostly not. The exception is injectable Winstrol (also known as Winstrol Depot).
The role of Winstrol:
Although used to treat muscle atrophy, Winstrol is not a qualified off-season bulking steroid. Its SHBG-lowering nature can intensify the effects of other drugs, but this is not recommended. Winstrol is highly hepatotoxic and C should be used where it is most valuable, obviously for male off-season it is inappropriate, female athletes can consider Winstrol for off-season, although it is not the best choice.
Winstrol is more beneficial for physical athletic programs than bodybuilding and fitness. It can drastically improve strength and speed without adding too much muscle that is not needed for these programs. Some people point out that Winstrol is not suitable for these competitive sports because it weakens the tendons. This is not the case, as many studies have proven that Winstrol can increase bone density, otherwise why take it for osteoporosis.
For bodybuilders, Winstrol can make the body look drier and tighter, provided you already have low enough body fat. It also maintains lean body mass to some extent. It is recommended as a secondary steroid inside C rather than a base.
Some people complain of joint discomfort when using Winstrol, this steroid does not aromatize and does not store water. Often Winstrol is used pre-competition, bodybuilders at this stage have extremely low bodyfat, usually in the single digits, a level at which joints may be uncomfortable with or without the drug, in fact the very common combination of Winstrol and Nandrolone phenylpropionate can be a great solution to any joint discomfort that may exist.
In the final stages of getting out of shape, both male and female athletes can greatly benefit from Winstrol to protect lean body mass, maintain strength, and increase vascularity and line definition.
Side effects of Winstrol:
There are undoubtedly side effects of Winstrol, but most of them are possible rather than certain. The risks are manageable with reasonable measures. Everyone’s body reacts differently, not just to steroids but to any substance that enters our body. Most people can use aspirin, but some people’s lives are in danger if they touch it. Most people can tolerate dairy products, but some people get nauseous at the sight of milk.
Here’s what you need to know about the side effects of Winstrol: 1. Estrogenization
Winstrol does not cause feminization, it does not aromatize, and an estrogenic reaction is not possible. So using Winstrol will not cause bitching and water storage, steroid related high blood pressure is usually caused by water storage. If you have no health problems and live a healthy lifestyle, using Winstrol basically won’t cause high blood pressure.
2. Androgenization
Winstrol may have androgenic side effects. Cases of acne and hair loss are usually genetically predisposed to this problem themselves, and keeping your skin clean and dry at all times can help prevent acne acne.
Many people use 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors such as Finasteride to counteract the androgenic side effects of steroids, but this approach is not useful with Winstrol. This inhibitor works by inhibiting the metabolic reduction of testosterone to DHT by the 5α-reductase enzyme, however this reductase enzyme will not metabolize Winstrol because it is already DHT.
Winstrol also causes masculinization of women, with symptoms such as increased body hair, a thicker and lower voice, and an enlarged clitoris. To prevent these problems, the dosage should be strictly controlled, and again, everyone is different, stopping the drug in time for the symptoms just appeared will disappear quickly, but if the problem is ignored and continue to use it, it is likely that these side effects will be irreversible.
Winstrol decreases good cholesterol and increases bad cholesterol.
All oral C17-aa steroids have a strong negative effect on cholesterol management, as does oral Winstrol. The same problem exists with injections.
There are many steps we need to take to avoid the cholesterol problems associated with Winstrol. If you already have high cholesterol, do not use Winstrol. If you are healthy enough to keep an eye on your cholesterol levels, you also need to have a diet rich in omega fatty acids, and a daily fish oil supplement is recommended. You’ll also want to control saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. Consider using cholesterol antioxidants. Be sure to get enough aerobic exercise.
Winstrol can severely limit your own testosterone production. Without exogenous testosterone supplementation, Winstrol will cause the body to go into a low testosterone state. Women do not require exogenous testosterone therapy.
After the steroid is stopped, self-testosterone production will restart. But it takes a long time to return to normal levels. This is why PCT is necessary, a process that accelerates autologous testosterone production while keeping the body’s hormones functioning properly.
You need to make sure that you check yourself for any hormonal problems before using the drug so that you can ensure a normal recovery after C.
As a C17-aa steroid, Winstrol is hepatotoxic. The intensity of toxicity varies from one such drug to another, e.g. the same dose of Winstrol is stronger than Anavar (Oxandrolone) and weaker than the same dose of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone).
Liver enzyme values rise with the use of Winstrol, and the pressure increases with the dose. Elevated liver enzyme levels do not necessarily indicate injury, it is just a precursor. But there are many measures and steps to take to remedy the damage when it occurs, and it should not be used by people with poor liver function.
If you are healthy enough, the duration of Winstrol C should also be limited to six to eight weeks, with no other kinds of C17-aa steroids for a minimum of six to eight weeks after stopping the drug.Alcohol should be abstained from during the C period; drinking alone is already stressful for the liver, and adding the drug to the mix harms it even more severely. In addition to alcohol, over-the-counter medications should be avoided unless they must be used. Always use liver-protecting medication with any C17-aa steroid. Finally, both oral and injectable Winstrol are hepatotoxic, and if you want to avoid stressing your liver altogether, then C17-aa steroids should not be in your program.
Winstrol Usage.
When used for therapeutic purposes it is usually 2 mg three times a day, and in women it is usually 2 mg twice a day, for a total of 4 mg, and the dose is often increased to 6 mg a day if symptoms of masculinization are not present. Injection prescriptions are usually 50 mg every two to three weeks.
Male athlete dosages are generally 25 mg per day orally or 50 mg injected every other day, a dose that is effective enough and easy to control side effects, while bodybuilders with higher dosages will take 50 mg per day, and some will go as high as 100 mg, a dosage that is not recommended for non-competitive bodybuilders to try. However, if you have really low body fat already, a high dosage seven to ten days before a competition can give you very good results, but due to hepatotoxicity and potential effects on cholesterol, this phase should not be too long, and the whole C should be kept to six to eight weeks.
For female competitive athletes, it’s usually a low dose of 5 milligrams per day by mouth, and some people can tolerate 10 milligrams per day. An injection of 20 milligrams every four days is a lot, and oral medication is the preferred choice for women, and C should be controlled for four to six weeks.
Dosage of Winstrol:
There isn’t a clear standard for how much steroid to use, and some drugs can have very large dosage ranges, such as testosterone which can range from 200 mg to 1,000 mg or even more per week. The dosage of Winstrol however does not vary too much from person to person and is simple to use and similar for all purposes.
For girth gain:
It is not a good choice for bulking, its high anabolic low androgenic nature makes it more suitable for gaining strength and shaping lines. The reduced SHBG nature allows it to assist other steroids in bulking C, but we have other better options. This is one of the few drugs that can be called a molding steroid, and 50 mg per day is enough.
For fat loss:
Winstrol is mostly used to do status, 50 mg per day for six to eight weeks, some people 100 mg per day, which is already a very high dose, increasing the stress on the liver and negatively affecting lipid metabolism. The exception is bodybuilders who are very effective at 100 mg per day for a short period of time prior to competition, and the toxicity is manageable. Many bodybuilders will continue 50 mg per day for six weeks then increase to 100 mg per day two weeks prior to competition to increase dryness.
Used in physical fitness type competitive sports:
Increasing strength without increasing girth is a hallmark of Winstrol, and the dosage for physique-dominant athletes will vary more, perhaps as low as 20-25 mg every two days. More athletes will use about 50 mg every two days, with the entire cycle typically lasting four to six weeks.
Dosage for Female Athletes:
Winstrol is one of the few steroids that can be safely used by women as well, the vast majority of doses are 10mg per day, some female bodybuilders and fitness athletes use 20mg per day, but this greatly increases the risk of androgenization, and if 10mg doesn’t work well you may need to consider if something is wrong with the rest of the C’s. Other drugs commonly used by female competitive athletes are Anavar, Primobolan Depot and many types of SERMs, thyroid hormones and growth hormones.

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