4. Anadrol side effects?
1. Anadrol is trans-estrogenic, Anadrol estrogenization has been a mystery, resulting in water storage, it is recommended to use with anti-estrogenic drugs, Anadrol will not be directly converted to estrogen in the body, so the ana these aromatase inhibiting compounds, will not significantly reduce the estrogenic activity of the steroids, Letrozole can be a very good elimination of the side effects brought about by the rehabilitation of the dragon.
2. Side effects of DHT derivatives of Anadrol include oily skin, acne, increased body hair, which are more likely to occur at higher doses, and possible hair loss (in people with the hair loss gene).
3. Anadrol decreases good cholesterol and increases bad cholesterol, to combat cholesterol problems a healthy lifestyle is best, consume a rich intake of Omega fatty acids, avoid saturated fatty acids and simple sugars and get enough aerobic exercise.
4. All anabolic drugs inhibit their own testosterone secretion, so you need exogenous testosterone (injections) to go with them. If testosterone is present in your circulation, then you don’t need to worry about it at all, when the exogenous testosterone and the anabolic drugs leave your body at the end of the cycle (stopping the drugs), then you need to PCT to restore your own testosterone is very critical, PCT activates it quickly (to protect the circulation of the effect of the link), and the restoration of it will cause health problems if it is not done properly. For example, low testosterone, along with some of the problems associated with low testosterone, along with the loss of hard working long muscles and cortisol dominating fat storage. Recovery using tamoxifen clomiphene velotropic to accelerate your recovery process, involves too many professional things, can not be one by one to say clearly, and not used on the line, the use of the cycle method is extremely delicate.
5. Anadrol has hepatotoxicity, top of the list, need to be cared for in place, during the cycle to avoid drinking alcohol. Please seek professional guidance, scientific and reasonable to use!