Anadrol (Oxymetholone powder)CAS: 434-07-1

Introduction of Anadrol (Oxymetholone)

1.What is Anadrol (Oxymetholone)?
 Anadrol is a DHT derivative belonging to the 17-AA steroid, also known as A50, developed in 1960 to treat anemia, and in the treatment of weight loss, so it is a very effective weight gain, increase appetite, increase the number of red blood cells, Anadrol is a very effective anabolic drug, but it also inhibits the secretion of its own hormones, your blood lipids will have a certain effect, resulting in Water retention, headaches, and it’s the most hepatotoxic of all steroids, which is mind-boggling, Anadrol can greatly increase your appetite to promote weight gain, but taking too much of it sometimes also suppresses your appetite. Half-life is less than 16 hours, androgenization rate: 45, anabolic rate: 320, testable for up to 8 weeks.
 Anadrol is one of the most powerful steroids for weight gain, a group of experiments show that a novice without drugs, if in the case of dietary norms, the use of Anadrol can increase 10KG, usually use the cycle of 4 weeks, tolerance can be controlled in 6 weeks, but Anadrol water storage, may be some water to increase the weight of the water, but he allows you to improve your strength in the off-season and the overall circumference so that you have more full muscles, taking Anadrol will make you feel powerful during the time you are taking it, the first 3 weeks of weight gain on Anadrol C is very exaggerated, after 3 weeks it levels off quickly, those side effects may persist (headaches, water retention, elevated blood pressure, etc.) depending on the individual may not always happen.
 Anadrol is a DHT derivative, and DHT drugs don’t transsexualize and don’t store water, so Anadrol estrogenization is elusive, and research speculates that Anadrol can cause transsexualization without transsexualizing into estrogen, but rather by stimulating the estrogen receptor, which would be the most convincing argument I’ve ever heard. ai Aromatase Inhibitors won’t do much for Anadrol, however Letrozole (the most powerful anti-estrogenic drug) can minimally Eliminate the side effects of Anadrol, such as edema.
2. What does Anadrol do?
Anadrol can greatly improve strength, increase girth, stimulate appetite, in the use of the cycle is recommended to mix with other injectable steroids, Anadrol as the first six weeks of the start, because the weight change is very obvious, which is a lot of athletes and bodybuilders to choose, it is not recommended to synergize with other 17AA oral medication.
Anadrol can lower SHBG, allowing more free testosterone in the body, creating a stronger synergistic effect when stacked with other steroids, amplifying the effects of cycling and improving cycling efficiency.
With low binding rate to androgen receptor, Anadrol can arrange itself to greatly strengthen any peripheral C, and will not grab the position of androgen receptor with other steroids (limited receptor), in other words, it is to take care of itself.
3. Anadrol use options?
Off-season: Anadrol is mainly used for off-season bulking to increase strength in the first few weeks of the cycle, fast-acting and synergistic with other mixed steroids to produce a powerful anabolic effect, generally speaking, the use of the cycle in the 4-6 weeks, for the beginning of the 50mg is enough, the more experienced can be 100mg, both doses can make you bring rapid progress, can not be used in conjunction with other 17-AA steroids, use more than 100mg per day will find that progress. 100mg per day will find that progress is no longer noticeable and loss of appetite can make bulking difficult. Please seek professional guidance and use it in a scientific and rational way.
Season: you can also use Anadrol will appear in the second half of the C, mainly want to make the muscles full and rounded, athletes must have some experience, otherwise improper use of water retention, 50 mg per day for four weeks before the race, or 25 mg to adjust, you already have a good state of affairs, if the reduction is not very clean, or do not use this method, it will be directly frying pan.
4. Anadrol side effects?
1. Anadrol is trans-estrogenic, Anadrol estrogenization has been a mystery, resulting in water storage, it is recommended to use with anti-estrogenic drugs, Anadrol will not be directly converted to estrogen in the body, so the ana these aromatase inhibiting compounds, will not significantly reduce the estrogenic activity of the steroids, Letrozole can be a very good elimination of the side effects brought about by the rehabilitation of the dragon.
2. Side effects of DHT derivatives of Anadrol include oily skin, acne, increased body hair, which are more likely to occur at higher doses, and possible hair loss (in people with the hair loss gene).
3. Anadrol decreases good cholesterol and increases bad cholesterol, to combat cholesterol problems a healthy lifestyle is best, consume a rich intake of Omega fatty acids, avoid saturated fatty acids and simple sugars and get enough aerobic exercise.
4. All anabolic drugs inhibit their own testosterone secretion, so you need exogenous testosterone (injections) to go with them. If testosterone is present in your circulation, then you don’t need to worry about it at all, when the exogenous testosterone and the anabolic drugs leave your body at the end of the cycle (stopping the drugs), then you need to PCT to restore your own testosterone is very critical, PCT activates it quickly (to protect the circulation of the effect of the link), and the restoration of it will cause health problems if it is not done properly. For example, low testosterone, along with some of the problems associated with low testosterone, along with the loss of hard working long muscles and cortisol dominating fat storage. Recovery using tamoxifen clomiphene velotropic to accelerate your recovery process, involves too many professional things, can not be one by one to say clearly, and not used on the line, the use of the cycle method is extremely delicate.
5. Anadrol has hepatotoxicity, top of the list, need to be cared for in place, during the cycle to avoid drinking alcohol. Please seek professional guidance, scientific and reasonable to use!
4. Anadrol use strategy?
Athletes standard 50-100mg, novice suggested 25mg (half a tablet) much safer and easier to control the side effects, if you can well tolerate 25-50mg, then 75-100 better results, remember that the larger the dose the greater the risk, but more than 100 is not desirable, research shows that more than 100 will not be better than 100 results, and appetite suppression and muscle building cart before the horse, use 4-6 weeks. 4-6 weeks of use is optimal, with noticeable changes basically in the first 4 weeks.
In the interest of safety and prevention, the list of side effects of Anadrol in this article may be quite extensive, and we recommend that any reader planning to try this medication should be fully prepared to do the following:
● Be sure to ensure the quality of the Anadrol used and establish a safe, reasonable cycle of use based on individual circumstances
Tell a professional or doctor immediately if you are extremely sensitive to side effects or have any other reaction to Anadrol, as this “unintended nature” is likely to cause other unknown problems.
It is not recommended to use Anadrol if you have any of the following diseases or problems: liver or kidney disease; high cholesterol levels; bleeding/clotting disorders (or are taking blood thinners); prostate cancer; heart disease; swelling (edema or fluid retention); enlarged prostate; diabetes mellitus; breast cancer in men or women (high blood calcium levels in women).
● Anadrol is not recommended for any woman
● Long-term use of Anadrol can cause liver tumors or congestive cysts; if more pronounced persistent upper abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dark urine, or jaundice occurs during use, discontinue use immediately and seek immediate medical attention
●Anadrol can affect fertility in both men and women.
Anyone under the age of 18 should never use Anadrol, and as a rule, we recommend that anyone under the age of 25 should not use any anabolic steroids.
● Regardless of which steroid Anadrol is used in combination with, the PCT should be followed up promptly at the end of the cycle.

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