4-Chlorotestosterone acetate(Turinabol) Powder (855-19-6) hplc≥99%

A brief introduction to Turinabol

Turinabol is a very unique anabolic steroid. Specifically Turinabol is an anabolic steroid that lies between Dianabol and clostebol. This makes this steroid very anabolic but with very weak androgenic properties. The history behind this drug is also very interesting.
Turinabol (chemical name 4-chloro-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one), which is a substance based on Dianabol , which is itself a derivative of testosterone.Functional structure of Turinabol Very simply, this substance is based on the structure of testosterone with the addition of a double bond on carbon 1,2, which makes the anabolic properties of this steroid stronger than the androgenic ones.
Based on its structure, Turinabol’s functional properties are also very simple. Like most steroids it can increase the efficiency of protein synthesis, enhance nitrogen retention and increase the number of red blood cells. These properties are all important for enhancing the anabolic environment in the body. Increased protein synthesis efficiency means that cells produce more protein, and increased nitrogen retention efficiency is important for muscle synthesis.
Whereas the function of red blood cells within the bloodstream is to carry oxygen, an increase in the number of red blood cells means an increase in the oxygen content of the blood, which enhances muscular endurance. At the same time these properties combined will greatly enhance the body’s ability to recover.
But while many other steroids have these properties, Turinabol is unique in that it is not aromatized (not feminized) and does not have strong androgenic properties. This is of great benefit to athletes who need to gain lean body mass.
Another very special property of Turinabol is that it significantly reduces the amount of sex hormone binding globulin. There are also some steroids that are more potent than Turinabol in this regard, but the effects of Turinabol are also significant. The reduction in sex hormone binding globulin means that there is more free testosterone present in the body.
There is no doubt that Turinabol is more effective for real athletes, and by athletes I mean real competitive competitors here, not bodybuilders or bodybuilding enthusiasts, Turinabol improves muscle recovery efficiency to a great extent, and when the season starts, athletes will find themselves much closer to the top of their form, without the protective features of anabolic steroids this is impossible. Athletes who use Turinabol will also notice an increase in their strength and will be able to run faster and jump higher in competition.
But in short Turinabol is not an ideal off-season bulking steroid, it doesn’t cause particularly crazy muscle growth, although the effects can be relatively dramatic. For muscle growth Dianabol and Anadrol are definitely more effective, and Turinabol doesn’t increase muscle circumference like Deca does, but the weight gain it does provide is purely muscular, due to its non-aromatizing, non-water and non-fat storage properties.
Turinabol is really best used during the fat loss period in preparation for a race. It can help maintain lean body mass while increasing muscle hardness. This is similar to Winstrol, but not nearly as effective as Trenbolone. However the effects of maintaining lean body mass and improving recovery during fat loss are priceless.
Side Effects.
We can say that Turinabol has one of the mildest side effects of all steroids. However this drug has some cardiovascular hazards. It is certainly manageable for healthy adults but still requires constant attention. This drug is suitable for both men and women, it is not preferred for women but it is available.
Oral Turinabol does not aromatize, so it does not have estrogenic side effects. This means that there are no problems with milk bitches, water retention, or elevated blood pressure, and it greatly reduces the risk of high blood pressure symptoms in steroid mixing.
Structurally Turinabol does not have strong androgenic properties, but all of this is still up in the air. Since there is no such thing as a regular major manufacturer of Turinabol, there is always some mystery surrounding its androgenic properties. What we can say for sure is that its androgenic activity is indeed relatively low, and the associated side effects, although they may occur, such as acne, hair loss, male pattern baldness and body hair growth, are not serious at all.
The most serious androgenic side effect of Turinabol for women is that it can lead to masculinization of the woman, with specific symptoms including thickening of the vocal cords, enlargement of the clitoris and growth of body hair. However, this side effect is usually caused by drug abuse. These symptoms need to be stopped immediately or the damage can be irreversible.
Turinabol increases LDL cholesterol levels (the bad ones) while suppressing HDL (the good ones) cholesterol production to a great extent. This side effect is much worse than if you were to use any of the injectable steroids.
If you have high cholesterol levels yourself or are unable to maintain a healthy cholesterol lifestyle, then it is recommended that you do not use this drug. A healthy diet for sufficiently disciplined users means low saturated fat and minimal intake of simple sugars.
Turinabol produces a suppression of endogenous testosterone production and needs to be used in conjunction with exogenous testosterone or it can lead to the development of low testosterone. This can cause a range of physical, mental and sexual dysfunctions. However, the physical symptoms may not show up because of the other steroids used at the same time.
All anabolic steroids suppress the body’s own production of testosterone. So in most cases male users will pair them with some exogenous testosterone. Otherwise it can cause low testosterone levels in the body and lead to a host of health problems. The use of exogenous testosterone can be a good solution to this problem.
After the other exogenous steroid hormones have left your body as well, the body’s own testosterone production gradually recovers. But a post cycle PCT recovery process is still necessary. This recovery process will bring back your testosterone levels more quickly. A good post-cycling recovery ensures that your testosterone levels will continue to allow your body to function properly until it gradually returns to normal. This will also speed up testosterone production, but it will still take a few months overall. It is important to note that your natural recovery process is based on the premise that testosterone levels are not too low in your body and that your body’s HPTA has not been severely damaged.
As a 17aa steroid oral Tretinoin is hepatotoxic. Due to the stress it puts on the liver, liver enzymes are elevated, which isn’t directly damaging, but is a factor that can cause stress. Tretinoin is not the most hepatotoxic 17aa steroid and it is possible to avoid liver damage through proper use.
If you have any liver problems or are unhealthy you shouldn’t be using this medication, use it provided your liver is healthy. Most importantly, you should never drink alcohol while using this drug. This can put a lot of stress on the liver and cause serious problems. In fact, you shouldn’t drink alcohol at all when practicing bodybuilding, as alcohol is arguably the most important substance in the world that will stop your progress.

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